The build template function allows you to design the form with different type of control field, configure workflow such as who should be involved in the process (e.g. action taker, approver or acknowledger) and how process will be routed for action.
Create a new template
- Click on "BUILD TEMPLATE" menu link.
- Click on "Create a new template" button.
- Note : The "New template from copy" button at bottom-right is typically used to migrate template from test environment to live environment . Do contact IT for assistance about the usage.
- Enter "Template Name".
- Please refer WI-11719 for the standard naming convention.
- Enter "Template Description".
- This is useful for requestor to know what the process template is for while initiating the process.
- Enter "Prefix".
- This will be prefix in process ID for all processes submitted under this template.
- It must be unique and not used by other process template.
- Indicate if on-behalf user confirmation is required.
- If yes, system will route to on-behalf person for confirmation if process is raised on behalf of them by someone else.
- Indicate if scheduled start date is allowed.
- If yes, system will allow initiator to indicate process start date during process submission.
- The submitted process will start route for action only on the scheduled start date.
- Indicate if duplicate approver is allowed.
- If no, system bypass and routed for approval only once. (e.g. if xxx template is configured to route to direct manager and HOD for approval. If direct manager and HOD are the same person, system bypass direct manager and only route to HOD for approval.)
- Click on "Initiator" Section to start design your form.
- Note : Form can be designed in other user steps as well such as approver, action taker and etc.
- Click on "+ ADD" button on field/column component to add field control.
- Upon click, field control will be added under "Initiator" Section for configuration.
- Refer "Configure field" section for more details on the configuration.
- Click on "+ ADD" button on table component to add table control.
- Upon click, table control will be added under "Initiator" Section for configuration.
- Refer "Configure table" section for more details on the configuration.
Submit template for approval
- Click on "Preview" button to review template before submission.
- You will be able see how the form is rendered to requestor and who will be routed to for action and approval.
- Click on "Save Draft" for later submission.
- This is pretty useful when process is complicated and take time to design.
- Click on "Submit" button to submit the template for approval.
- Button will be disabled if system detects there is missing mandatory information or invalid setting.
- Upon submission, template will first be routed to your local IT, follow by your functional head for review and approval.
- Template will be released and available to all users once approval given by both local IT and functional head.
- Click on "Copy Template" button to copy template into clipboard. Then you can paste the template in "New template from copy" feature.
- Please contact IT for assistance about the usage.
- Click on "Reset" button will erase current template configuration and start as new template.